Unless you live in the province of Québec, you don’t have a clue about what I’m writing, we are in elections here, so every party is trying to convince us that they lie less than the others, that they are a bit less bad than the others, and tonight it is debate night, they will probably yell at each other, accuse, try to intimidate, and mainly throw a lot of bullshit, sorry for bulls, I did not want to offend them…But I can’t say I know what’s going on, because I’m don’t listen to those things, no interest, I do have interest in politics, but now in that kind of show, freak show sometimes…and besides here in Quebec and in Canada, we vote in our riding, but that’s it, no proportional voting, and I am living in a riding were the governmental candidate will win easily, and my mind is made up, and I know I will lose….I will vote, like those soldier, in far away time and field, like in the Napoleonic wars, playing drum or flute, and going to war. But going to war with a flute is not your best chance of winning, at least I won’t get shot…so tonight I have decided to present an abstract painting…unusual for me, but it is the best representation of a debate to me, nobody will probably win, every body will try to compete, to outdo the others and it will end up in a mix of all kind of things, a cacophonic noise, the only difference here, I think colors have a way to behave and work together to make something nice, maybe not useful to many but nice
Je ne fais peu ou pas de tableaux abstrait, désolé pour la photo un peu trop illuminé, faut dire aussi qu’il est difficile de photographier sa palette en papier glacé sans obtenir de reflets, vous voyez comme dans un débat c’est la supercherie qui domine…:), je ne crois pas qu’un jour je deviendrai politicien, ou un artiste connu, mais il y a de bonnes chances qu’un jour je me laisse aller à l’abstraction, je devrais en être capable…
Usually I don’t do abstract, and I am sorry for the poor quality of the photograph and reflections, but you know, it is not easy to photograph a used paper palette, it is too shiny and lead to deception, like in a politicians debate…I think I will never be a politician, or a well known artist, but I may try sometimes a true abstract painting….
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