Yes for a long time I showed my paintings, without showing myself, so this is my big coming out…okay what a turn off, you were probably expecting something more dramatic, so now you know I’m not young, you probably guessed it before, I’m overweight, ‘une bonne bédaine’, a beer belly even if I’m not drinking as I used to do…and bald…but that also you know, so not much new under the sun or shall I say my studio lights. Mainly it is because, sometimes like tonight I am way to late to do much more than this, worked late, started painting later and now I need to finish the day, but I want to post something more regularly, so I though maybe I could show more of ‘behind the easel’ stuff or more studio shots, and I’m part of the show…
Donc petite séance de vernis de retouche sur les toiles qui s’en viennent, donc aussi un aperçu de ce qui s’en vient…Liz et Cindy, les deux…et non ce n’est pas que je me prosterne devant mes déesses favorites…seulement l’application de vernis…
So at the same time it is a preview of what is coming, a bit of retouch varnish on those 2 paintings, Liz and Cindy the twos. of them, and even if It may look like I am bowing to my goddesses, it is not that, just dusting the canvas and applying some retouch varnish…
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