Did worked on Carla’s pastel, almost finished, but I will wait before posting it, looc at it again tomorrow…and keep the pleasure for me a few more days…:), but in the meantime I though since we will get our first 20 degree tomorrow, a wet one,, so maybe a picture taking on a summer dusk will put me in the mood of summer, by the lake…it does not happen often, most of summer I am in the city, not in the countryside, more than often, my view is boulevard Saint-Michel…
Et aussi en même temps il est rare que j’affiche mes ‘photos’ enfin autres que mes toiles, j’en ai beaucoup plus, hélas sous forme de diapositives et de négatifs..un jour je les numériserai, et j’achèterai un nouvel appareil photo…
And besides it is a way of telling that I do have lot of photographs, not showned here, except for my paintings, but they are in slides or black and white negative, one day I will have them numerised and I will get a more sophisticated camera.

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