Maybe it is the end of the winter games, that has inspired me this title, of course the answer is there is close to no similitude between the two, If I do miss a gate, actually there is no gate in my atelier…but anyhow if I do a mistake, tripping on something or banging my arm or knee somewhere I don’t thing I will end up rushed to an hospital, I doubt I will have a concussion or anything else like that, but maybe there is this only weak similarity, the wish to go further, they do it to gain a few fractions of a second that can ended up being winning the gold for them, I do it well, maybe for a few ‘likes’ or even a few nice comments, but mainly to take this painting to the point where I will say….Woww…this is it, it is awesome…to me at least…and probably ending by not wanting to let it go, and I will keep Elisabeth, the painting that is, with me for the rest of my life…:) Last night Picture’s…
Bien sûr la photo d’Elisabeth, autant pour moi, qui ne se lasse pas de la contempler que pour vous, en fin ceux et celles qui aimeraient y jeter un coup d’oeil, encore une fois….et le diaporama….
And maybe if you want to see her picture again, if not I put it up anyhow, just for me…:), and of course the slideshow.
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