A short post just to mention that the painting, showned below, is now on my Etsy gallery, still very lean gallery…but is there for you to visit, don’t have to buy anything just visit, a click away…and maybe if your fingers and eyes are not too tired you can also visit my main site JMR-ART, lots to see there, it is quite large with lots of things, but don’t worry you should not get lost, and if so, it is a nice place to be lost…:) and if you’re still in for it, there is also my facebook page JMR-ART, what a coincidence…and if you like it you may win, actually you are sure to win my gratitude and many thanks…:D
une galerie virtuelle où je présente mes oeuvres, des pastels, et tableaux, fortement inspirés par la mode et celles qui l'affichent., A page where I present my paintings and pastels, inspired mainly by fashion and models, of course...
mardi 25 février 2014
Une nouvelle sur Etsy / A new one on Etsy
Un petit article très court pour mentionner que cette toile, voir photo ci-après est maintenant disponible par l’entremise de ma galerie sur Etsy, qui est encore un peu dégarnie…allez faire un petit tour, ne serait-ce que pour aller fureter, et tant qu’à y être il y a aussi mon site JMR-ART, qui contient beaucoup de page, vous pouvez vous y promener des heures sans trop se perdre…:), et enfin il y a aussi ma page sur facebook JMR-ART, pas beaucoup de variation dans le titre j’en conviens….et si vous cliquez ‘J’aime’ vous gagnerez…ma gratitude….
A short post just to mention that the painting, showned below, is now on my Etsy gallery, still very lean gallery…but is there for you to visit, don’t have to buy anything just visit, a click away…and maybe if your fingers and eyes are not too tired you can also visit my main site JMR-ART, lots to see there, it is quite large with lots of things, but don’t worry you should not get lost, and if so, it is a nice place to be lost…:) and if you’re still in for it, there is also my facebook page JMR-ART, what a coincidence…and if you like it you may win, actually you are sure to win my gratitude and many thanks…:D
A short post just to mention that the painting, showned below, is now on my Etsy gallery, still very lean gallery…but is there for you to visit, don’t have to buy anything just visit, a click away…and maybe if your fingers and eyes are not too tired you can also visit my main site JMR-ART, lots to see there, it is quite large with lots of things, but don’t worry you should not get lost, and if so, it is a nice place to be lost…:) and if you’re still in for it, there is also my facebook page JMR-ART, what a coincidence…and if you like it you may win, actually you are sure to win my gratitude and many thanks…:D
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