Between scanning my old films, working on photoshop, and playing or fooling around with Daz and Poser, posing my models and playing art director…not forgetting trying a new software, Silo, nice modelling software, this one is more about modelling objects or modifying existing models, like creating morphs on existing model, it does work with Poser, don’t know yet for Daz, yes strange ways to use my few holidays period, I am off for another week, maybe it isn’t exactly a vacation, but it is fun to have time to do what you like, and of course, I did some painting, here’s the last version of Comtesse Monique, not finished yet…
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433-28 Comtesse Monique, huile 20 x 28 po (50 x 70 cm) 2014-05-15 |
J’ai aussi retravaillé un autre tableau, un modèle portant un manteau rouge et des bottes noires, tableau d’un style quelque peu abstrait, en voici une version, d’autres s’en viennent, je me garde du matériel pour de futurs articles…:)
I did also work on another canvas, a model wearing a red coat, black boots, I gave it a more abstract that usual look, here’s a version, others are ready, I may still work a bit more on it, I am just keeping those pics for coming posts…:)
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436-21 Modèle inconnue et sac-à-main et bottes, Acrylique, 22x28 po (55x70 cm), 2014-05-16 |
Les photos utilisées pour ces tableaux…../The pics used for those two paintings

Et les diaporamas de ces deux tableaux … And the slideshows for both paintings
Un long article, n’est-ce-pas? pour cette longue fin-de-semaine ici au Québec, demain c’est férié, certains fêteront la reine Victoria….signe de la tradition britannique, les vainqueurs en 1763….; d’autres fêtent Dollard des Ormeaux, un personnage canadien-français, dont on ne sait plus trop si c’est un héros ou tout simplement un voleur de fourrures et qui serait mort en voulant voler des fourrures à un groupe d’iroquois, et d’autres enfin célèbrent la courte rébellion des Patriotes, contre les britanniques, en 1837-1838, on aurait pu devenir une république…quant à moi je célèbre le congé du dollar patriotique royal…en faisant de la peinture et autres affaires sur mon ordi….
A fairly long post, isn’t it? this is a long week-end here in Quebec, tomorrow for some is Victoria Day, after all we’ve been a british colony for a long time, others will celebrate Dollard-des-Ormeaux, used to be considered a heros, now it does seems it was more of a shady person who died trying to rob some furs from some ‘Iroquois’ , others are celebrating or remembering a short rebellion against the bristish in 1837-38, Quebec could have become a republic, a bit like our neighboring United States… so for me it is now the Royal Patriotic Dollard day and I will mark it by painting and fooling around with various software to produce a few mores paintings, renderings and photographs from my past…
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