In the few pics I did scan so far, I must admit I don’t have many ‘postcard’ type photos…like the ones you would show to your family and friends coming back from a trip abroad…:), so here’s one taken from the hill where the Old Castle is, a view of the Old bridge crossing the Neckar River in Heidelberg.
Il a été partiellement détruit en 1945, d’après l’information trouvé sur le net, il y a eu 9 ponts au cours des âges, le premier datant du 13 ième siècle, d’ailleurs certaines parties de la fondation font partie de la construction actuelle du pont, probablement mon ancienne formation d’ingénieur qui fait surface ce matin…ou d’historien du dimanche…enfin la photo et un lien si vous voulez en savoir plus.
The bridge was partially destroyed in 1945, from what I found on the net, there’s been 9 bridges at the present site, the first one beign built in the 13 th century, apparently some part of the original foundation are still part of the actual bridge, rebuild in 1947, I guess this morning it is my old engineer formation resurfacing or maybe the part of me interest in history as a hobby, but i though providing some info bring a bit of background on this picture, If you want to learn more, I put a link ine english, there was more detailed links in french…so the pic…
Lien en français
English link, I found more links in french, so here’s one in english, but not as detailed…

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