Who did not dream of having his dream house, ‘petite cabane’ a quiet place, nature at the outdoor, and garbage can, for this one I had the collaboration of a long time friend, and no it is not is house…rather a backyard shed, so here’s the proof, don’t believe everything you do see on the web….:) but I thought that with not much of a scene I was able to make a nice pic, not great but decent…:), so the pic and the ‘scenic house’….
une galerie virtuelle où je présente mes oeuvres, des pastels, et tableaux, fortement inspirés par la mode et celles qui l'affichent., A page where I present my paintings and pastels, inspired mainly by fashion and models, of course...
samedi 24 mai 2014
Ma cabane au Canada...Untranslable...
Qui n’a pas rêvé de sa petite ‘cabane’, la nature et la poubelle tout prèes….:) que ce soit au Canada ou ailleurs…le Canada, grande étendue d’aires sauvages….dans ce cas-ci j’ai eu l’aide d’un ami de longue date, et non ce n’est pas la maison qu’il habitait, plutôt la remise….faut pas croire tout ce que l’on voit sur le web….mais je me suis dit que parfois avec peu, on peut faire une photo passable…donc la photo et le ‘peu’, un domaine….:)
Who did not dream of having his dream house, ‘petite cabane’ a quiet place, nature at the outdoor, and garbage can, for this one I had the collaboration of a long time friend, and no it is not is house…rather a backyard shed, so here’s the proof, don’t believe everything you do see on the web….:) but I thought that with not much of a scene I was able to make a nice pic, not great but decent…:), so the pic and the ‘scenic house’….

Who did not dream of having his dream house, ‘petite cabane’ a quiet place, nature at the outdoor, and garbage can, for this one I had the collaboration of a long time friend, and no it is not is house…rather a backyard shed, so here’s the proof, don’t believe everything you do see on the web….:) but I thought that with not much of a scene I was able to make a nice pic, not great but decent…:), so the pic and the ‘scenic house’….
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