Comme Arnold...qui disait 'I'll be back'...ben voilà, suis de retour...du moins un peu, encore bien des choses que je dois terminer, attend toujours mon nouvel sais que lorsqu'il arrivera, il y aura encore des jours de silence..enfin, voilà pour un retour, un peu timide pour le moment...donc Noelle, le tableau acrylique, le pastel lui, ira probablement rejoindre la liste des 'terminés'
Like Arnold in the terminator...who had this beautiful line...'I'll be back' well I'm back, at least sort of...still things, many, to do, still waiting for this new computer, so expect a more spotty showing of new stuff or reworked, but at least, I be posting a few things, probably on and off for the next few weeks, one or two, then I'll probably be back for the meantime, Noelle, the acrylic painting, the pastel will probably be heading for the storage of the finished ones..
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