Peu de temps pour peindre, à peine le temps de pondre un court article sur une nouvelle toile commencée en fin-de-semaine, tournait en rond, pour toutes sortes de raisons, je tourne en rond lorsque cela ne tourne pas rond pour moi…alors me suis dit, pourquoi pas un petit tableau d’après une esquisse…alors voici le début…
Not much time for painting, or blogging, but a short post to show a new painting, a copy of a model sketch, did not know what I wanted to paint, did not know much about anything sometimes last week end, so instead of spinning my wheels, doing nothing, I though that maybe a painting, without much preparation or planning would be better than what I was doing, which was going from nothing to walking to the end of my appartment and back to the atelier, so here’s the beginning of this painting, very sketchy at this point
et la photo de l’esquisse/And the sketch photo
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