A dancer before another interruption, time to set up the second computer, put the old one in a network...and why not, moving the workshop and small office around, may as well do that, in fact I don't have the choice, space is limited, at least here in my workshop, captain Kirk would say otherwise....so this modern dancer, reworked quite a bit, but still trying to get her hips and legs in the right position...a battle....we will see the outcome later...
une galerie virtuelle où je présente mes oeuvres, des pastels, et tableaux, fortement inspirés par la mode et celles qui l'affichent., A page where I present my paintings and pastels, inspired mainly by fashion and models, of course...
lundi 2 juillet 2012
Une danseuse...A dancer...
Une danseuse, avant une autre petite...je l'espère, interruption....il est temps d'installer le deuxième ordi, et de les placer en réseau...je suis plus à l'aise avec des pinceaux que des modems et des fils...on verra bien comment cela se passera...aussi bien en profiter en même temps pour réaménager l'atelier et le bureau...en fait un grand atelier...donc, autrement dit pas encore tout-à fait prêt pour reprendre la production plus régulièrement, mais j'ose espérer que plus tard cette semaine, ce sera fait....en attendant la danseuse, retravaillé un peu tout, essai encore de trouver le positionnement des hanches et des jambes, pas facile celle là....cela aussi on verra....
A dancer before another interruption, time to set up the second computer, put the old one in a network...and why not, moving the workshop and small office around, may as well do that, in fact I don't have the choice, space is limited, at least here in my workshop, captain Kirk would say otherwise....so this modern dancer, reworked quite a bit, but still trying to get her hips and legs in the right position...a battle....we will see the outcome later...
A dancer before another interruption, time to set up the second computer, put the old one in a network...and why not, moving the workshop and small office around, may as well do that, in fact I don't have the choice, space is limited, at least here in my workshop, captain Kirk would say otherwise....so this modern dancer, reworked quite a bit, but still trying to get her hips and legs in the right position...a battle....we will see the outcome later...
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