A New version, Sophie Marceau painting, not yet finished, hope one day, it will be....
une galerie virtuelle où je présente mes oeuvres, des pastels, et tableaux, fortement inspirés par la mode et celles qui l'affichent., A page where I present my paintings and pastels, inspired mainly by fashion and models, of course...
samedi 29 octobre 2011
Le retour de Sophie M/She's back Sophie M
Nouvelle version de cette toile de Sophie Marceau, pas encore terminée...un jour...
A New version, Sophie Marceau painting, not yet finished, hope one day, it will be....
Suivez ce lien pour plus d'informations/Click on the following link for more informations on this painting http://www.jmr-art.com/379.html
A New version, Sophie Marceau painting, not yet finished, hope one day, it will be....
mercredi 26 octobre 2011
dimanche 23 octobre 2011
Deux retravaillées/Two reworked...
Ce modèle qui parfois est plus pensive que souriante, là elle me semble plus souriante et aussi plus en douceur, revenu à un medium bien ordinaire, l'huile de lin, au lieu de l'huile de lin purifié, plus visqueuse, en fait mélangé les deux et soudainement certains problèmes que j'avais cette toile...se sont évaporées...et aussi la toile de cette danseuse, même chose, les deux ne sont pas terminées mais progressent bien, en fait elles pourraient être terminées...
That model who sometimes is pondering, or sometimes smiling, these days she's smiling, and went back to straigh linseed oil, mixed with the medium I used most of the time, the result is that it seems to me that the paint is flowing more easily, taking away some of the problems I was having with this painting, especially ones that were started in acrylic, dont know why, but somehow it became very sticky..but now I like it...and also a modern dancer...
That model who sometimes is pondering, or sometimes smiling, these days she's smiling, and went back to straigh linseed oil, mixed with the medium I used most of the time, the result is that it seems to me that the paint is flowing more easily, taking away some of the problems I was having with this painting, especially ones that were started in acrylic, dont know why, but somehow it became very sticky..but now I like it...and also a modern dancer...
406-17 Danse 28x20(70x5 |
400-29 Huile 20x28(50x7 |
samedi 22 octobre 2011
De retour...2e essai; back, another try...
Pas très présent encore sur mes sites, au moins j'ai peins un peu, passablement, alors je vais essayer de mettre à jour mes différents sites au cours des prochains jours, alors revenons sur ce tableau de Liz...travaillé quelques jours du début octobre jusqu'au 15 environ...
Not often on the net these days, although I did some painting, so over the next days or weeks...I will update my different sites, first, a painting begun many years ago, its coming to the end, hopefully by the next session
et un diaporama en prime/A slideshow in addition...
Not often on the net these days, although I did some painting, so over the next days or weeks...I will update my different sites, first, a painting begun many years ago, its coming to the end, hopefully by the next session
357-70 Liz Hurley Huile sur acryl 28x22 (55x70) 2011-10-15 |
et un diaporama en prime/A slideshow in addition...
dimanche 2 octobre 2011
De retour/I'm back...
Pas trop passé de temps sur le net, ni sur mes pinceaux d'ailleurs, mais au moins retravaillé mon plus vieux tableau en cours, il le sera encore un peu en cours....la photo et un diaporama, comme vous le verrez, il a pris plusieurs tangentes ce tableau...
Not much time on the net, and in front of the easel, but I finally manage to work a bit on a painting, one that is in progress for so long, I think it started in 2002, and went many ways...the photo and a slideshow to see what I'm talking about...
Not much time on the net, and in front of the easel, but I finally manage to work a bit on a painting, one that is in progress for so long, I think it started in 2002, and went many ways...the photo and a slideshow to see what I'm talking about...
325-57 Lonneke Engel, huile sur acrylique, 18x24(45x61) 2011-10-01 |
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